This piece of above is called "Suicide Mission" and it comes from Wisnu Tan. As you can see it features Jon Snow and his team taking on the army of the dead!

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Jon Snow about to make a very fateful decision.

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Today's number 4 of my of is my !

The last season premieres this year so prepare for winter (if your not in it already) !

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Game of Thrones with ukiyo-e style!
Imagina el mundo de Juego de Tronos plasmado en las famosas estampas japonesas del siglo XVII. Para ver más visita mi web!

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What if Daenerys dies in the next season of Game of Thrones? Then Jon Snow dreams of her giving an answer on how to defeat Night King

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and I hope neither man will die in the final season

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“Bran thought it curious that this pup alone would have opened his eyes while the others were still blind”
Jon Snow and Ghost from “A Game of Thrones”, first book of "A Song of Ice and Fire” series.

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"Bran thought it curious that this pup alone would have opened his eyes while the others were still blind"
my version of Jon Snow based on the book, gosh, it's so good, what a graceful writting. I'm taking it slow to savor each page.

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My first picture. It was tough challange, palette is very nice ...if you want cute pokemon game ;)
Not if you want to draw something. Anyway:
128x128 pixels
13 colors (out of 16 from fixed pico-8 palette)
Its also as

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Today on is a brand new drawing from Donato Giancola
Check out his gorgeous drawing of Jon Snow and Longclaw, a preliminary graphite and chalk on toned paper for a new painting from A Song of Ice and Fire

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