The BLACK TIGER: HIDDEN DRAGON Vol. 1 Campaign is 1 Backer away from 200!! Get your copy plus other cool stuff, including sequential art by while they're still available!

13 22

Finishing the coloring on my creator owned comic The Hydra
Kickstarter coming Feb. 2022!

0 2

Get Ready For MMA Fight
Requested and Tao Fong OC by anonymous

4 27

The BLACK TIGER: HIDDEN DRAGON Vol. 1 Campaign is prepping for fulfillment!! Get your copy plus other cool stuff, including sequential art by while they're still available!

15 20

Kickboxing might help you to escape the box, to fall out of the frame. But maybe you bite the hand that feeds.

0 1

The BLACK TIGER: HIDDEN DRAGON Vol. 1 Campaign is 2 Backers away from 200!! Get your copy plus other cool stuff, including sequential art by
while they're still available!

21 39

Coming October 13th, and I are going to drop a book that will check every box on your nerd radar. Do you like revenge stories? You are going to love this comic.

1 2

A constant state of flow, the "Zone" is the stuff of legend. When you're dialed in, who can stop you? What does your "Zone" look like mentally? what does it feel like?

2 2

The BLACK TIGER: HIDDEN DRAGON Vol. 1 Campaign is 6 Backers away from 200!! Get your copy plus other cool stuff, including sequential art by while they're still available!

3 11