Aquest dissabte participaré al d'art de , a Durant tot el dia a Pl. Assumpció!

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I drew the orange kitty for gamercat!!! Gonna be focusing on flat colors for a while <3

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Mario Luzi
Correranno le intense vie d'Oriente
ventilate fanciulle e dai mercati
salmastri guarderanno ilari il mondo.

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He's a cat
He plays video games
I love this comic :3

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Aquest dissabte tenim un cita al Mercat d'Il·lustració Aplicada a

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New MERCAT art print: For cat lovers, art shoppers, & believers of kittens under the sea!

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Anche quest'anno torna il mercatino dell'usato a sostegno dei bambini Causa eccellente e chicche!

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13 de junio con productores Km0 Empieza la cuenta atrás!

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Le "Lovely Princess" ti aspettano in tutte le edicole, librerie,supermercati, aeroporti...

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Google doodle celebrates cartographer who created world atlas

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To celebrate his 503rd birthday, Flemish cartographer Gerardus Mercator, has been honored in a new "Google Doodle".

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