A young clairvoyant Roma, Nate, starts living at the local Token Town arcade to hide from a famed cannibal chef. Nate, aided by his mentor Corey & their giant ChuckECheese robot, must protect his new home from threats like a wrestler that fights buildings.

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A young clairvoyant Roma, Nate, starts living at the local Token Town arcade to hide from a famed cannibal chef. Dilligent play makes one of the games become self-aware, eager to trade with the devil for a soul. Nate and co pursue to save the machine from itself.

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Ogni anno, da sempre, il 2 agosto disegno la strage. Per me, e poi su ogni giornale con cui ho collaborato. Liberazione, l'Unità, il manifesto, Repubblica. Il 2 agosto '80 ero 13enne davanti alla tv a Roma. Fermo. Qui 2 delle vignette negli anni.

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Agostino Tassi, nato Agostino Buonamici (Ponzano Romano, 22 gennaio 1580 – Roma, 12 marzo 1644), è stato un pittore italiano, tardo manierista, influenzato dall'arte nordica di Matthijs Bril e Adam Elsheimer.

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A young clairvoyant Roma, Nate, starts living at the local Token Town arcade to hide from a famed cannibal chef. Dilligent play makes one of the games become self-aware, eager to trade with the devil for a soul. Nate and co pursue to save the machine from itself.

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A young clairvoyant Roma, Nate, starts living at the local Token Town arcade to hide from a famed cannibal chef. Dilligent play makes one of the games become self-aware, eager to trade with the devil for a soul. Nate and co pursue to save the machine from itself. DIS

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A young clairvoyant Roma, Nate, starts living at the local Token Town arcade to hide from a famed cannibal chef. Nate, aided by his mentor Corey & their giant ChuckECheese robot, must protect his new home from threats like a wrestler that fights buildings. DIS

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Citati segue questo" vero ragazzo"
nei suoi malinconici viaggi,
nella sua prediletta postura,
a Roma,a casa di Antici,
piena di squillanti vescovi e cardinali
come d estate,la campagna romana, di grilli e cicale.

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Reza a lenda que a cidade de Cártago foi fundada pela rainha Dido, fugida de outra cidade fenícia: Tiro. A cidade cresceu e virou um dos centros de comércio mais importantes do mundo antigo, e praticamente um império.

É mais conhecida hoje pelas Guerras Púnicas contra Roma.

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Il 1099 moriva Eletto a Terracina (a Roma c'era l'antipapa Clemente III). Continuò la lotta contro Enrico IV per la questione delle investiture. Nel 1095 convocò il Concilio di Clermont-Ferrand, l'occasione per bandire la prima crociata. Venerato come beato.

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Littorio-class: the most beautiful battleships ever? Littorio, Vittorio Veneto, Roma, and Impero. 9x15" guns; 49,864 tons; 238m x 33m (780'x108'); 128,200 shp.

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"Hey ya, are you searchin' trouble? I hate people with faded hair like yours, you look like a meringue 💢"

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Good luck getting her and the rest Skk!

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