Este es Rafel. El del número 24, tercero izquierda. El de la azotea grande con el trastero. Sube cada mañana. A ratos silba. Martillazos, ladridos, alguna gaviota que sobrevuela. A las dos y cuarto aparece Sole, su mujer. La comida se enfría.

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Matilija poppy. California native, runner-up state flower. AKA fried egg plant. 6” across.

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33 dibuix. Productes de neteja de químiques estranyes, es sol per sa finestra de ple dins s'escurada

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Hong Kong will remain special. wonderful people. great place. I wait to be there again. ❤️ Hong Kong

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Sketches from a socially distanced weekend ramble through the park

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Hong Kong is special. bring back wonderful memories of people and places. Wish we were all sketching there today as planned. Waiting to be there again. ❤️ Hong Kong

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Watercolor study done this morning during the Wandering Sketchers' Zoom sketch session. The ceramics were done by my dad, Everett Dodrill.

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The old railroad bridge in Jefferson, TX--an evocative landmark of this former inland port. It spans a low area that where steamships coming up from Louisiana used to turn around.

An experiment in "melted" white gel pen with ink on toned paper.

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A Martín le gustan los jacintos, las freesias y los narcisos. Y el olor a almíbar de las flores de madreselva. Le recuerdan los veranos en el pueblo.

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Joined the Wandering Sketchers at home Zoom sketch session this morning for an opportunity to do this watercolor sculpture and plant study. My two Rick Rollenhagen sculptures are featured in the front.

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During my permitted exercise yesterday I walked to Castell Coch and made a drawing - mental wellbeing as well as physical. Here is the result. 🙏 Prints available in the shop:

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