je vous met les images avec la description, ainsi que celle sans rien, au cas ou c'est mieux pour votre montage! normalement y a tout , amusez-vous bien avec toutes les participations!

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The 5th place winner was William Fong's Azael. Azael's monster type is a gargoyle. Azael in particular has a full flesh-outed description, background story, ending, etc. It can be read here:

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Anyone old enough to be an Underdog cartoon fan? “Riff Raff”, My take of one of Underdog’s villains. ⭐️ ⭐️ If you know who this is without reading my description, you might need to buy some Polident for your dentures. No hate, i’m old too. 😖

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Need a cute lil baby or a hiking buddy? I got you covered ;)
For $8 one of these can be yours! Description, color and names are suggestions and can be altered as soon as you purchased of course! 💜 Retweets help immensely, thank you!

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From that description, the only thing I can think of is the back of Kairi's good luck charm.

1 30

Just got my Superlatip Nokip from and I couldn't be happier 🥳

I like the description, too: "One Happy Malaccan, not worrying about anything, another day, another party"


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