New enemy... The Muscle. he's a power type and takes massive damage from zoning/projectiles. He's a heavy hitter, but pretty damn slow. but once he get's going...

6 8

It looks like Loop Hero uses 25x25px tiles.

24x24 is ideal for environment art, 16x16 often doesn't allow for good detail, while 32x32 greatly increases workload. However making good character sprites for 24x24 is very tricky, Loop Hero solves it by making it very simplistic.

16 74

Legit NES graphics.

I just expanded this "project borscht" scene. The original half of it consumed all 256 background tiles so I was slightly worried it wouldn't scale well, but it seems to work. The left half is all recycled from the same 8x8 tiles.

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I am currently thinking about the fauna of the Guanling Fm for an illustration for my book and for one of the commissioned illustrations in one of books of the “Extinct” series by Here are sketches of some of the Guanling marine reptiles. SO DIVERSE

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Still love the SW99 Viridian Gym, feels like it was based on the anime version. Columns probably took up too much space on the tileset so they got replaced with the green bootLego tiles.

5 38

n-armed spiral tilings of trapezoids based on regular n-gons. When n = 4 the trapezoid becomes a rectangle. Note that n = 5 is unique in allowing two distinct ways of matching adjacent scaled tiles.

32 130

head off and pulled it completely into a metal canteen. When it propels itself at a high enough speed, Geb can even cut through metal. In addition, the water can act as a hard shield against projectiles. In the OVA, Geb could also gather itself into a ball of water and shoot in

0 2

Angry derg based on how Akira Toriyama draws reptiles.

5 61

Forgot to introduce my older RMs here...

WTN - 003 Gumman

Created by Dr. Wily to be a very durable and long ranged fighter against Mega Man. His arms can stretch to greater distances. He can rotate his arms fast enough to deflect incoming projectiles.

1 8

own body, though this is a rare occurrence.
Air Bomb Transmutation: Using Killer Queen's Primary Bomb to charge Stray Cat's condensed air bubbles, Kira is able to create virtually invisible air bombs to use as projectiles. These can be detonated automatically through contact or

0 1

You know something has reached maximum potential when it has access to hands-free/summoned projectiles.

0 2

Skill 2: All MGs or SGs on Type 80's tiles will gain 10 Movement Speed, they must be within her tiles.

While Type 80's Skill 1 is active, MGs or SGs in her tiles gain 20% damage; every time MGs or SGs in her tiles reload, they gain 10 HP shield for 6 seconds.

10 40

In between fixing the bugs and balance of the 2.0 beta, I'm working on new dash attacks for each of the humanoid forms, to complement the ones in beast form. It should add some extra mobility for dodging and parrying projectiles.

1 5

🗣️ ¡𝐓𝐨𝐦𝐚 𝐍𝐨𝐭𝐚!✍️ 🇻🇪
Para celebrar con orgullo nuestra historia, trae para el Bicentenario de la Batalla de Carabobo éstas creativas imágenes infatiles.

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Native to South America, the pineapple was an important economic plant in the development of Indigenous civilizations in the Americas. It was a source of food and medicine, and its fibers were used for textiles.

50 133

Godzilla I drew today. Applying some of the studies I've been doing on reptiles.
The idea came from 's stream drawings.

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This time I'm taking 10 slots instead of the usual 5! I can draw any animal, and am most experienced with canines, birds, dinosaurs, and reptiles.


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Vigo here is an adopted OC I've had kicking around for a while. He is part of the muscle on Ayule's pirate crew. Big, burly, won't tell anyone how he lost both his arms, doesn't say much in general, and loves reptiles.

4 30

Dhelios and Azure, damn Reptiles...

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