画質 高画質

31st will be a music video by Yoshizaki Hibiki's and Daoko's "GIRL" http://t.co/nyLcZxPezs

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The next Animator Expo short will be 'GIRL' by Hibiki Yoshizaki, AKA MeMeMe!'s successor. http://t.co/Ermx1TNdxH

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The title of Hibiki Yoshizaki×DAOKO Project from the third season is decided as "GIRL". The episode is coming soon!

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El Shizaya es amor.

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[Pero... ese] ¡User!~ Que estaba teniendo un buen día, no lo estropees

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[Plisss como mola, Medio aceptable...

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jojo x shiza in the morning... i'd try...

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RT 胃薬飲んでました。最近消化能力落ちてるので。コオとクロウの話は小燵君の並々ならぬ性癖、じゃなくてこだわりからです。ちなみにコタローは当初俺の趣味で書いたら「アホの子すぎて引きます」とshizaさんが止めてくれたおかげてす(笑)

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"selfportrait 20130605-0606" acrylic on canvas. F3 by masaki ishizaki

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