画質 高画質

Una prueba más de que es de otro planeta.

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Fancy some sailing in Barcelona? ⛵️

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Adios Annie Goetzinger, las viñetas de Barcelonight guardan el eco de tus tiempos de vecina barcelonesa. Elegancia, luz, sensualidad y protagonismo femenino

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Este sabado a las 18h se ha organizado una concentración en Plaza España de Barcelona (torre izquierda) en memoria de Jonghyun. Podeis traer fotos, velas, flores... Por favor difundid

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Team to be at Barcelona Symposium! Eager to learn from these 2 titans: International Director & Head of Content

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We are so excited to announce that won the Best Actor Award for his work in The Astronot by the Barcelona Planet Film Festival! They were also finalists for Best Cinematography & Best Soundtrack! Thank you

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My short 4 O’Clock has won a new award for best short at Barcelona Planet Film Festival.

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Some gull sketches from my archive of birds. The top one is murdering a pigeon in a Barcelona car park.

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Telluric power is immense, it feeds on the emotional misery of the user. There's no control in that path, only self-destruction.

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This week we introduce you to the cursed ones who carry the pain of the world, the Tellurics. conceptartconceptart

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'Un regalo para Kushbu'
La traumática peripecia de nueve personas que, huyendo de sus países, llegan a Barcelona.
Coeditat amb

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Hola, sóc l'Olivella! The series 3000 was refitted and painted from green-cream to orange-white in the 80s to cover the yet-to-electrify line from Martorell to Igualada, in Barcelona.

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Y esta tarde se prensenta "Un regalo para Kushbu" en el Casal de Barri Pou de la Figuera, Barcelona, con los protagonistas, sus autores y buena compañía. A las 19.00

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