Lose yourself
Do not fear this loss
For you will rise from the earth
and embrace the endless heavens.
When you lose all sense of self the bonds of a thousands chains will vanish. Lose yourself completely, return to the root of your own soul

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Hi👋🏻My name is Anna. My arts is about kindness, humour and inner and outer beauty💖

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My collection "The legend of the fallen angel".
Third part "Transformation"
This is a story about fallen angel Mariel
Reserve 0.15 E via FD https://t.co/lVlwpzEPpN

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Talented artist with amazing style :

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GM/GN This is my piece “Dark Night of the Soul”. I tried to reveal the inner world and express dark feelings through form, subject and colors.

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This piece is a representation of myself trying to break out of the cage I’ve enclosed myself in
Trying to move out of my comfort zone and try out new things
Explore more and face my fears

Very personal piece to me

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Hi, I'm Arijit a 20y Digital Artist from India Visualizing Landscapes✨ My art style involves the use of subtle elements and provides the viewer with a sense of scale and vastness!

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Surreal hodgepodge
This piece is a representation of hodgepodge of thoughts in my head..
the flowing water depicts the endless flow of idea,
A fish swimming in my glass represent “abundance” as it is related with the water element..

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Hi fam❤️
The work I would like to share is UKIYO means "Living in the Moment
detached from the bothers of life"
literal meaning is 'floating world' which is referred to a state of mind In this chaotic world we need a peace of mind for ourselves to connect with us

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*Saturn’s Rose* 🌹
Inspired by the massive storm on Saturn’s North pole!

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Hi. I'm a digital artist. I love and draw in the fantasy genre.
I am inspired by everything around me, I love the universe, our planet and animals

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I started drawing on a very young age And just never stopt doing that 🤍and my sweet grandmother loves every art museum so I grew up spending almost al my weekends in them 😍😘watching Bruegel,Rembrandt,Vermeer ,Rubén’s ….💛#audaceart

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The Mind That Is Eating Us Alive
This piece is based on personal experience of anxiety. I always have ocean of thoughts that gutted me. Making art can really divert this. The faces, flowers are hand drawn, colored pencils on paper with digital finish
0.09 on FND

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Hi Audace! I wanna show you "Amare", wich is my Sr debut piece. I believe in art as a vehicule to deliver a message in the audience that manages to empower them and generate change. I seek to carry what it generates in me for years: passion.

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I show my dark feelings in my art🖤
This piece is inspired by “Renfield's Syndrome”
A rare psychiatric disorder in which the sufferer feels the compulsion to consume blood…🩸🦇

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