Servant of Caster, Anastasia. Tragic princess executed by the Red Army in the Revolution. What does she think of modern Russia?

6 41

A brunette as alabaster as she is beautiful feels the surf as it crashes ashore, as if Thetis herself were gracing a daughter with her refreshing power, in William-Adolphe Bouguereau's "La perle".

3 19

🚛 Huh? Let's go to sleep now (ac)
🌼 By: ℙ𝕆𝕆 𝕁ℙ

0 3

⁣"Beautiful blonde anime girl with a cute ponytail, depicted in stunning 8K-6 resolution." 😍👧💛

0 0

⁣"Beautiful blonde anime girl with a cute ponytail, depicted in stunning 8K-6 resolution." 😍👧💛

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