Alright, this has to be the best upgrade of a kit ever! Too bad I promised to paint one once it releases, dat wing span tho'! Tutorial incoming for sure.

2 13

👀👀👀😍🤪 dat new Be'lakor 🤤

Well i painted up my Be'ly few months before lockdown and only used him once or twice then he's sat in a box waiting for when we can play games in the uk again

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Traditionally I look at a model and list the ways I’d change it to make something cool. But Belakor is uniquely awesome. Not drowned in detail but thematic, each note adding flavour. Great base but not balanced on a toe. Intimidating without going to comical

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Working on some basing bits for my Slaanesh force and took inspiration from the stunning artwork in Soulbound, attached to a 25mm base for now

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Some high quality pics from the finished Tze commission project.

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Am spying a book called a Warscroll Book in Cursed City, perhaps AoS scrolls for the units within?

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GW: look at all these shiny new Slannesh and Daughters of Khaine releases...
ME: All I see is this.

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Both series - WARPED GALAXIES for and REALM QUEST for - are up to their fifth instalments now!

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Been waiting for this all week. Turning the Shardspeaker into my next LRL hero, which will be multipurpose. Counts-as Cathallar and 32mm wizards to come. Painted to true display level. Best thematic description is mix of Galadriel and Melisandre.

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The new Warhammer Quest: Cursed City releases are really tempting... Do I dare to grab them? The witch hunter and elf are magnificent and I definitely approve of its overal Darkest Dungeon-like theme. Decisions, decisions...

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Take to the skies and forge your own weapons, armour and accessories with Steel And Sky coming to Soulbound releasing later this year from

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Some plans based on next weeks preorders for my Idoneth Deepkin

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This week the Sea Horses are coming up for preorder ….

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