Phrygian cap: common anatomical variant in gallbladder, caused by folding of fundus, no clinical significance. Named for caps worn by people of Phrygia (Turkey) 1200-700 BCE. Became a symbol of liberty. Also seen on Smurfs.

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時間 13時まで

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died in 323bce. The painting from 1644 by Pietro da Cortona shows Alexander defeating Darius III at the battle of Issus which hangs in the Capitoline Museum

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Astro-Minoan Pirates & The Broken, Burning Sky, 3rd Age of Man, circa 115 BCE

Planet-side pirates watch the carcass of a looted mining ship burn in atmosphere. These Astro-Minoans tended to target prospectors and mining teams thinking the broken moon of Arigus was easy pickings.

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Blog on the oldest surviving chunk of Greek prose, written by a Greek man called Achillodoros, 'Gift of Achilles', on a tiny Ukrainian island in about 510 BCE. It's all about fear of enslavement.

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How do we recognise "play" in the ancient world? Children were likely more socialised with adults than today; most depictions of "games" (like this from the tomb of Baqet III at Beni Hasan, c. 2000 BCE) come from religious or funerary contexts. This ball is from Kahun

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This is a portrait of Julius Caesar on the ides of March 44 BCE (Colorised)
[Retweet because I wasn't happy with it, and some feedback from ]

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The sources for imagery are vast, ranging from 5,000 BCE to newspaper clippings. This is Sheela na gig, the Celtic goddess of fertility and destruction, a mythical figure Spero describes as, "beguiling, childlike, terrifying, and funny."

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Atusa (550-475 BCE) was the daughter of emperor Cyrus the Great & married to Darius who held the vast Persian empire that spanned huge portions of Asia. Atusa was considered an influential & helped put Xerxes in power after Darius. She suffered from mastitis.

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Naomi returns home

Ruth said, “Do not urge me to leave you, to turn back

and not follow you. For wherever you go, I will go...”

Book of Ruth

4th century BCE

Painting by William Blake, 1795
Naomi entreating daughters-in-law Ruth and Orpah
to return to the land of Moab


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Bronze head of a satyr or faun from glyptothek about 100 BCE. Woodland creatures that were part of Dionysus’ entourage. They had goat’s feet and legs sometimes with horns and pointed ears.

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Place of birth of the Roman Emperors from BCE 27 to CE 518. Many Roman Emperors were born outside of modern day Italy. Source:

514 1233

Sarcophagus degli Sposi found in over 400 pieces in 1881. It dates from 530 - 520 BCE and represents husband and wife reclining on their banqueting bed. Made in terracotta. Beautifully displayed in the National Etruscan museum

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remember i read 36 years back. Written by 3rd-4th BCE. All his works were lost. but in Kerala few manuscripts found, as in they perform He predates his 13(or 14) plays r revived

10 5

They change their sky, not their soul, who rush across the sea


The Epistles (or Letters)

Book 1, 11, v. 27

20 BCE


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Alberto Giacometti in his studio with L'Homme qui marche.
How very Etruscan; As Ombra della Sera, The Evening Shadow (3rd c. BCE), the votive statuette from the ancient Velathri, Italy, influenced by the Greek Hermai stelae.
Non Obliviscar. The Recipient of the Past.

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Cap of Saka : in Persepolis, 518 BCE
Cap of Altaian : in Bayan-Ulgii, 5th-3rd c.BCE
Cap of Chinese : in Luoyang, 3rd-2nd c.BCE
Hat of Xiongnu : in Noin-Ula, 1st c.BCE - 1st c.CE
Hat of Korean (1) : in Pyongyang, 5th c.CE
Hat of Korean (2) : in Buyeo, 6th-7th c.CE

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A stunning work from the Harappan Civilization.

"Female Figurine"
Terracotta Hand Modelled
ca. 2600-1900 BCE
Lahore Museum

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