Warmup: Ashar-I-Sin. 13,000 BCE

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Toga Picta is basically the "Itashirt" BCE

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Pythagoreanism originated in the 6th century BCE and used the pentagram as a symbol of mutual recognition, of wellbeing, and to recognize good deeds and charity.

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Earlier Greek philosophers, collectively known as the pre-Socratics, had introduced a revolution of their own in human thought in the 5th and 6th centuries bce. They rejected supernatural explanations for the world, the explanatory power of mythology, and the

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Gilgamesh-Gilgamesh is widely accepted as the historical 5th king of Uruk who reigned in the 26th century BCE. His influence is thought to have been so profound that myths of his divine status grew up around his deeds.

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Ichtyas was a Greek Socratic philosopher who lived in the 4th century BCE. A student of Euclid, he came to lead the Megarian school near Athens.

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A Parthian rhyton, or drinking vessel.

Produced c. 1st century BCE, it takes the form of a roaring lion leaping out of the silver rhyton. It is decorated with a gold mane and inlaid garnet eyes.


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s'il vous plaît, I offer my flute boi (BCE alts if you want). I don't have anything in mind but if it gives you an idea, he's from a race based on woodwind instruments that naturally have a wind affinity. This means mans got wind slash and stuff.

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Arabia before Islam.

From the first millennium bce there were sophisticated kingdoms in southern Arabia, which derived their wealth from the spice trade. In the early days, there were a few scattered towns such as Medina and Mecca, which were dependent on local trade in wool and

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2/2 18時ごろまで



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of Tellus, a in Ancient Rome, erected after 268 BCE and dedicated to the goddess of the

The exact location today: https://t.co/wYzwPsPAtk

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fantasy floating voyage ✨from WIKI - in the realm of fiction, such as floating islands, have been found in literature since Homer's Odyssey, written near the end of the 8th century BCE

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The fall of democracy

During the Peloponnesian War (431–404 bce), in which Athens was ultimately defeated by the Spartans, Athenian democracy was twice suspended, in 411 and 404 bce. Athenian oligarchs claimed that Athens’ weak position was due to democracy and led a

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Spartacus, the outlaw gladiator who led a rebellion against Rome in 73 BCE, was born in Thrace (modern-day Bulgaria) and sold into slavery as a gladiator.

📷 wikimedia edited, adobe stock

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Nyte Bae Tsukiko is from the surrounding region of Japan and dates back to the Yayoi period (c. 300 BCE to 300 CE).

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It Takes 2 2 Make A Movement

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One more this time in a combo:

The Late (11,000 BCE) "Swimming (or flying? 😉) from Montastruc (France), carved from mammoth ivory. Evocative.

Today in : https://t.co/Mxu3RRq68W

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Did you know? was originally practiced in India, with some of the oldest written references to it coming from between 1500-500 BCE!

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GENUINE UNDEAD was purchased for 0.5166 WETH https://t.co/wk0buP9t1m by 0x6B58…5bCe

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