and cutting it is not possible. Keep running around until he is bored and turned to be vegetarian

6 4

Κύριε, όχι μ’ αυτούς. Ας γίνει αλλιώς το θέλημά σου.

1 1

Today's Indy cartoon… looks like Tsipras has kebabed himself!

11 5

"No one is more ungrateful than he who has benefited by you"

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My cartoon Tuesday on negotiating postion

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For Greeks who have a beef with Eurozone creditors.

1 4

Η Ευρωπη που αγαπάμε

Ιδέα:σε οποιον παίρνει ενα ποσοστό μεταναστών να του δίνουμε και ενα μεριδιο απο Ελλαδα

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