"OK, so maybe I didn't say that right"

35 374

It’s proving to be so much more fun... I’m just going with the flow at this point. They’re the stars.

85 578

The mysterious deep sea civilization is NOT Atlantis, I don't know why you'd even think that-

91 848

all the players are irresponsible but I don’t want it to end

48 552

Who's a good girl?

27 263

Lock picks are for chumps

79 748

Some choose the mantle of the DM, others have it thrust upon them.

88 900

Asexual tiefling bards are the new meta. Art by Ester Zejn

64 518

Fine run ahead, it’s not like I’m important or anything.

39 348

Posting Goblin Memes until I run out of ideas day 1

28 223