solo lucemon stuff from last year 😇

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Esta semana el estará dedicado a Lucemon, ese ángel a quien todos buscan. Así, comenzamos diciendo que su diseño está basado en Lucifer, como ángel caído, al igual que los seres de otras franquicias (como Lucifer de

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"Lucifer the True Helltaker". Original character by , a fusion of Lucifer from Monster Strike, Lucifer from Shin Megami Tensei IV, Lucemon Falldown Mode from Digimon, and Lucifer from Helltaker

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Satan Lucemon
Demon God
Divine Atomement
Purgatorial Flame

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My Atamadekachimon fan line:

Minidekachimon>Atamadekachimon>ExTyrannomon>Lucemon Satan Mode (Mutant)

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[will smith poses] HAVE YOU SEEN. MY LUCEMON X.

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I think that Lucemon Falldown Mode from Digimon Frontier and Bagramon from Digimon Xros Wars have the Best villain design from Digimon (if we Talk about just for the anime of course)

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La confrontation de Armageddemon contre Lucemon Satan Mode.
Ils sont à une victoire chacun

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When all Light is purged from him, Lucemon evolves to his Mega form: Satan Mode (Shadowlord Mode in the US). Clearly inspired by the Biblical 7-Headed Dragon, he's practically invincible now. Though, his true body is protected by the sphere the Dragon carries.

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1. Magnamon
2. Lucemon X
3. Marsmon
4. Huanglongmon

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At some point, all of the other Tamers will oppose Lucemon's judgement, some will retain their new evolution lines, others will mix them and some will stay as they originally were. This one in particular will have a branched evolution in the climax, Giga Seadramon.

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Digimon dips into different religions fairly often. The main villain of Digimon Frontier was Lucifer....I mean, Lucemon. His Mega stage is literally called "Lucemon - Satan Mode" in Japan.

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11. Rapidmon X
12. Ulforce V-dramon X
13. Beelzebumon X/Jesmon X/Impmon X
16. Lucemon X
17. DORUmon
18. Chaosdramon X
19. Metal Garurumon X
20. Numemon X

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oz + lucemon (satan mode)

great demon king, dragon of the demon lords, it all works out

(also, as i said: kudamon is the only non-angelic but canonical evolution of cupimon's, lucemon's in-training level, soooooooooo--)

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Fallen Lucemon
Demon Lord
Paradise Lost
Dead Or Alive
Deadly Roll

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1. Royal Knight "Jesmon GX"
2. Seven Great Demon Lords
 "Lucemon Fall Down Mode"
3. Olympos XII "Dianamon"
4. Legend-Arms "Armamon"

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Acabo de terminar otra comisión! Estoy emocionada porque me encargaron a mi amado como imagen de reacción 😍🥰😚🙈🖤 Ya conoces el meme? 👀🤭

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