GM ☀️

Decided to list my personal artwork on
Hope this collection will get a better exposure for me as an artist 🤗

Meet My lovely Etherea, Gwyn and Aurora.

♦️0.05 Ξ



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And just like that we have our 4th super rare 🔥

6 more to mint. get yours now https:/

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Our End of Year Sale is ending on the 31st of December, 2021. Don't miss out and mint now!

The next phase of our releases would be the (See roadmap in tweet link below).

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The 3 super rare Shibas that have been minted so far:

7 more of these Shibas in our collection!! Take advantage of our Christmas Sale and mint some Shibas for your chance to get a super rare one! 🚀🌕

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Hope you're all having a good Christmas break. This is one of the 2 super rare Genesis Shibas that have been minted so far. Shiba There're 7 more of them in our collection. How lucky do you feel?

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🎨NFT Feature

• Minter :- ksart.near
• Minted On :- Paras

🍃Use for feature

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Check out this 🔥 I bought by x on

KiraBee and LunaticmoonArt are both top creators. I highly recommend snagging their for your

11 26


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🎨NFT Feature
NEAR Reaper

• NFT :- NEAR Reaper
• Minter :- code_black.near
• Minted On :- Paras

🍃Use for feature

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