By the way, with & I can imagine & in the vision of the from the X-Men But in 1984, I could easily see 26 year old Kevin Bacon as Sam Guthrie

2 2

Would you be interested in a team up series featuring Godspeed (August Heart) & Green Lantern (Guy Gardner)? If so, what would you call it?

8 33

The creators could make it an simply called that intros us to his family. 1st film would also feat. certain cameos like that of Those build toward bigger sequels like cameos

3 5

If Jay Garrick was a Marvel hero, what hero would he get along with the most?

14 65

WW as the new God/Goddess of War after she killed Ares!

10 26

Choose “Other” then answer aka I still hold out hope that Nathan Fillion will one day portray the elusive in-house universe character. A POC as would be real cool. Someone like Brian J. White or David Harewood would also be fine.

0 2

If Mera was a Marvel hero, what hero would she get along with the most?

13 80

What superhero teams would Supergirl join if she was a Marvel hero?

10 56

Kyle Rayner

Jessica Cruz

John Stewart

Guy Gardner

You Can Only Keep ONE! Everybody Else Must Go!

21 82

If Morgan le Fay was a DC villain, who would be her archenemy?

9 52