“Humankind is having a profound effect on species such as the polar bear and its environment.”

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Mean global temperature rising from 1900 to 2017 represented via "circular Temperature range: 1.34°C. Data: HadCRUT4.

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Limiting to 1.5ºC will require rapid, far-reaching and unprecedented changes in all aspects of society but bring clear benefits to people, ecosystems and says new report. Every bit of extra warming matters

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The 's Ralph Surette on removal of emissions standards for cars & light trucks:

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Who is guilty of the melting icebergs? "Melting icebergs" watercolors and pencil colors

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"The next major piece of the West Antarctic glacier that breaks off into the ocean should be reserved as an island for climate deniers" ~ U.S. Senator Ed Markey
Get Your Art Fix!
'No One Can Save Us - No. 7' by Mojoko & Eric Foenander, 2014 https://t.co/3FvGHTEKGa

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