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Part 3 of my "Heartstring Poetry" Collection
40 eds / 3 $XTZ

Through tears and pain, she holds on tight
Her heart beats on, with all its might
And like the spider, she weaves her fate
Transforming sorrow, into something great
Link Below 👇

11 18

Your darkness
makes me writhe
in pain.
Life cuts you,
I'm bleeding.
My pulse stumbles
with your fate.
My breath catches
when you gasp
for air.
imbued with you.
Love's stronger
than despair.
Soul's thicker
than blood.
Skinned heart...💞

4 18

Experiment 3/3 -
Be bold and free
To soar through the storms that be
Trust in the winds to lift
Up, and bold and free

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...cammino piano respiro regolare
nella bellezza che squisitamente
velata entra nello spazio verde
di una foglia dormiente

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Good morning!
Long time no see, how are you? ♥️

Want to remind you about my collection:

🔹️ Hand drawn collection. Traditional: watercolor + ink
🔹️ 4 pieces available
🔹️ 1/1 addition
🔹️ 0.08 ETH each


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Part 3 of heartstring poetry collection
Will mint it tonight ❤️

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'Cast before a silver sheet, Tracing lines that never meet. Turned away, nearer drew; Turned towards, reflected through.'

I'm creating for each stanza of a poem I wrote & this is the first.

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You seem to be
By my eyes soft smile
They see you’re so gently complicated

For you I’d do anything
Your demons I’d go slaying

Let me be your armour
I may be small but like David & Goliath
I’d be your brave shielding tower

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Amidst the darkness,
Her heart was
a shining light,
in her refuge.

2 14

Out of the earth: the sun burnt off the dampness,
Heat made the slimy marshes swell; as seed
Swells in a mother’s womb to shape and substance,
So new forms came to life.

here: https://t.co/H63ChSS5iU

7 6

"Absolutely loved this book, the writing is beautiful, like poetry sometimes. "A stunning story. Magnificent descriptive escapism."
" so original!"


4 1

a disgraced knight, a scholar who writes erotic poetry in his spare time, the looming specter of a baron

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©️Coming Soon!✍️🏽

“A Popular Winans Song”👇🏽

The Winans 👌🏽🎶
“The Question Is” 🙏🏽

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Wild, this garden mine,
Shadowy and overgrown —
With angels in the treetops,
And demons in the undergrowth.

March 2nd, 2023

Share. Retweet. Do some weeding.

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On March 8, at 4.30 pm we'll be launching the important collection of poetry about edited by Ostap Kin and translated by him and John Hennessy. Join us in person or online here: https://t.co/7tI1lIPh1D

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My new poetry/illustration/comic thing starring UltraMantis Black. Enjoy! (🧵 1/10)

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