The Queen saw red. She sewed till fingers bled, wielding the magic of her kin. A hidden castle housed the King's betrayal. When she threw her spell over six sleeping heads, their necks stretched, chests puffed in a flurry of plumage, in place of six bastard sons.

8 76

A thing of beauty, all sleek lines. I slid into the grav-couch and jacked in.

Felt her come alive.

Our ascent was smooth, fast. Our dive bottomed out in a steep I could have touched the sea with one hand.

Tethered by my cyberlink, I had never felt so liberated.

11 42

And there inside her bloom,
Driftless to drifting light~
Her soul rests,
Beside..the river bank,

📷Wallpaper Flare,

20 81

I spy mosaics in your watercolour smile, each star a spark to my bonfire. I'd loosen its fair-weather sights to help you see the petals tucking into your banked worlds, their whispers treading love across your chained back. Unaccustomed to the dark, it was you I lacked.

36 142

Another day is done; decisions made, a puzzle devised piece b piece. Life must b tamed, the future must succeed, cannot fail. One's❤is in denial; the beveled walls echo every last word whispered, every touch, every smile.
"Lost Love"

4 35

Gravely they did sing~

" Starling grey dark sails our souls from tumbleweed sea dreams, where sews the Dawn of Dusk and more to never be, as stormy atoms drift the wind, as flows the ebb of time..beware the underbellies motion now, beware the Krakens..twine "

17 84

I stand underneath a kraken sun, breath frosted as wildflowers fluttering before snow. They've plucked love notes from his voice that adorns my air. No fairytale leavings could make me feel invisible here. I'll diverge from secluded paths to rest upon our pages.

21 98

kraken with three hearts
pierced one after another
night falls on seabed

🎨 Imaginery Leviathans

15 81

shades of indigo
and sapphire glow
moon breaths sway
crossing pond
to terrain, we emerge
purple night tulips,
gliding dragonflies
lovers dance a waltz
of grace, two
on mystic boundary
their licentiousness
providing rain
an endowment
wherewithal for life

7 53

You have my ardour fanned over the reckless frost, my flames beaming away illusions to save more room for our evermore moons. Solemnity's maw feels just around the corner when you're gone, but I've decided to let towering gardens reign winter in musing delights.

32 128

I opened my eyes
And peaked out
As the monster’s
Called out

I hid under the bed
But little did I know
There was portal below
To an reality it led

It followed me thru
A quick shake and a chew
There was one shoe on the step


9 44

He calms the thin
That haunts the grey..tonight,
Wild in wind and shadow,
Consentient with the lupine rain~
He found his place
Outside the sun, not stereotyped,
Reflective in the echoes..
Of his,

📷WolfRoad on DeviantArt

17 67

She was a warrior with a heart beating like an African drum, with all the pomp and ceremony of the nation’s mightiest tribe. Never again would Cara roll over and just accept the shitty hand she was dealt. Cara 2.0 would bear her teeth and bite back like a wolf.

3 39

Sitting under her pretty blue bonnet
Eating curds and wain
The queen
Looked at her congregation with disdain
From atop her tuffett
She gazed across her flock
As the bell rang midnight
On the lunar clock
She stood up to howl
'Walkies, come on you miserable lot.'

12 26

Every year the select the best and brightest for the so I have no idea why they chose me
The journey was perilous and I almost turned back, but finally, on the outskirts of Gemina city the moon calls me
I howl and shift

5 46

Versions of us dancing in the wind, and we crawl inside each one..poetic shards of achromatic nightmares, valiant to come undone ~ pulsated classical to indelicate, out of the nothing we came have loved, is to be in love ~ and our ghosts are still..side by side

16 64

I have to ask
all those who teach
the walk run
What if all we do is wiggle?

4 37

I've crawled into bountiful legends that hovered swords over weathered fights wept, grazed their connotations arisen upon mistaken deaths. Then there was you & your sulking sea of orphaned gems. A vampiric zombie for coffee who surpasses blueberry highs.

24 114

Peter piper picked a pickled pot of
If Peter packed the pickled pigeons
Presenting them to president Paul
Would Peter be presented with
A prestigious prize from Paul’s P.A
5 times fast!

0 4