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Tonal shifts like these in cartoons are the norm now I suppose.

0 6

And again. This isn’t Thundercats anymore... I can not see this as Thundercats in anyway. It doesn’t expand the series or do anything for it, it’s a comedy.

0 0

Reminder to all Thundercats fans; CN cancelled the 2011 reboot right on the heels that Lego had their rip-off series launched. XD

49 140

I'm actually quite liking the look of this show

0 9

As someone who grew up watching the campy '80s Thundercats, I honestly respect someone who says "Let's make Thundercats funny" more than someone who says "Let's make Thundercats SEXXXXXYYYY"

122 679

I'm a little tired of people comparing crap like TTG and Thundercats Roar with stuff like Gravity Falls and Star Vs., just because they use the "Bean Mouth" style. Even with Bean Mouth, at least Star Vs. and Gravity Falls know when to make varied designs.

57 167

Some Thundercat redesigns I was playing around with for fun, back in 2009.

42 302

If you can look at these three pictures and not see why people are upset about these new character designs then I don’t know what to tell you.

86 250

If you want accurate and well designed ThunderCats action figures that only the can deliver, tell Warner Brothers that action figures back! Bring on Cheetara, Tygra, Snarf, Slithe, Monkian, Vultureman, and the rest!

31 110

The world is facing a an epidemic. Just say no.

2 19

Vuelven los Thundercats, pero no en la forma que habrías imaginado

9 42

2 classic reboots... 2 completely different directions. I mean, talk about night and day!

I wonder which one will pull the bigger crowd?

45 162

That time I started drawing the Thundercats but never finished... real Thundercats not some bull shit.

1 5

they should have made look like this and so no one's childhood would not be ruined
when i was a kid i couldn't understand how can one love such kitschy-not-in-a-good-way stuff like the original show

19 216