From The anatomy and philosophy of expression (c.1877) by Charles Bell - a comparison between the facial muscles of a dog and a human.

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A lovely and found in a book and being used a a bookmark for What do you use as a bookmark?

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One of two operating theatres opened at Wythenshawe Hospital in 1943

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1819 Aug 9: William Thomas Green Morton was born. He demonstrated ether anesthesia in Boston in Oct 1846 Died 1868

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"Doctors today are relearning lessons from a century ago when overprescription of opioids created an epidemic of addicts, most of whom were upper-class or middle-class women." Read more at Hektoen International:

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1774 Aug 1: Joseph Priestley experiment released a gas that turned out to be oxygen

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to physician Bernhard Zondek, born in 1891! Zondek developed the first reliable pregnancy test, and his research also focused on interactions between the pituitary gland and the ovaries. Image: Die hormone des ovariums und des hypophysenvorderlappens (1931)

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Advert for Sayre's Apparatus, 1882. Patient would be suspended by the head and axillae, and wrapped in a plaster-of-Paris jacket. First used by American orthopaedic surgeon Lewis Sayre in 1874 in the treatment of Pott's disease

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We are not sure we want to go on this toboggan ride! This ad, from our William H. Helfand Collection of Pharmaceutical Trade Cards, is for Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil

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Allen O. (1881-1963) was a well-known pioneer surgeon of pancreatic surgery. In an article entitled "The surgical of hyperinsulinism" (1938), he proposed that no be performed to look for an unless his criteria were met.

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The birth of In 1912, the danish surgeon Severin Nordentoft presented a work in which he showed his technique to study the with an he had borrowed from the thoracoscope used by a colleague of his.

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1868 July 15: William Morton died in NYC; his anesthesia legacy lives on around the world

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This lovely common peony engraving comes from William Woodville's Medical Botany (1790-1793).

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Scottish anatomist Charles Bell composed his 1802 Engravings of the Arteries for medical students, to underscore the role of illustration in enhancing medical understanding. Explore it here:

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In 1945, published pamphlets like “the soldier takes a wife” targeting promoting family life and family planning

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Today's Find: Blog post Photo of the Day (9): McAdory Home & Infirmary in 1910

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Today is
PTSD as a diagnosis is relatively new, but trauma from serving in war zones has been observed in historical military populations.
In the for instance, war trauma was described as 'war neurosis' or 'shell shock'.

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The Flemish anatomist Adrian van de Spiegel (1578-1625) died before he finished his anatomy text, De formation foetu liber singularis, with plates drawn by Fialetti, a student of Titian's

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