I also did a by "emminmi" on Instagram (right pic) so here my version of the character 25 (left pic)

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my take on the art style bend challenge!! painting is Not my forte but i should probably do it more 🤦🏼 lol

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🌵Patreon- https://t.co/HuZPWlrJlV
☂️Tumblr- https://t.co/3nmmjsntPn
Morning yoga
T'Chala is doing yoga with a lazy cat
what is yoga without a cat?
That's right, no

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Tonight's Reading: Black Panther Epic Collection Volume 1: Panther's Rage

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Here's my try to put my must "recent" work
I like trying many styles exploring is fun ❤

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It is Time for artists to take this trend To another way ! I Made my own vough cover using my art skills ✨
No one can stop us from being creative.

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This one is mine OWO tbh this was fun OwO
id like to participate again in one of these challanges (sufferings) with them =), and pls do give these beautiful art goblins some support, cause their cool <3

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One last character suggestion remaining!


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I also have a strict code. I don’t draw any licensed characters unless the company that made them hires me to do so. And if I do, it’s only for myself and I’m a big fan. I mean it’s Miles Morales, Jesus from Okye, and Tchalla. Sooooo why not? 😂

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Fifth suggestions are open!


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This picture has a story. And you can read part of it here (for free!): https://t.co/TFsq1rt6P4

У этого рисунка есть история. Часть этой истории можно прочитать по ссылке выше (бесплатно!).

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