These beautiful peonies appear in ‘Flora Rossica’ by German naturalist Peter Simon Pallas. Commissioned by Catherine the Great, it was published in St Petersburg in 1780s. This copy once belonged English botanist Dawson Turner.

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The hunt mark known as Nariphon is found in Lakeland. Legends say that has maidens sprouting from its vines. However, naturalists surmise that this rumor came from adventurers viewing a tribe of cannibals enjoying their prey.

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Arai est lui le portraitiste de la laideur du monde. Il travaille ici cette laideur pour interroger les mécanismes de domination et la tristesse contemporaine. Complexe, bouleversant, "Irene" confronte naturalisme et expressionnisme, pessimisme et optimisme, sourires et nausées.

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The illustrated manuscript by Kenelm Henry Digby 'The Naturalists Companion...[really long title!]... in the Museums of the College and Dublin Society...' is literally the best thing I have referenced in my thesis!

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Also, this is a cool freakin design (for Pokemon). I like that this gen is going for a "naturalist vs digital" theme. Seems like that's what the story will be about.

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🔎 The Naturalist's Pocket Magazine or compleat cabinet of the curiosities and beauties of nature.

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- Desert Naturalist (Kadira)

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"... in Russian Horses’ Guards. Officer and veteran
of American Army, woundet twice—at the Russian-Turquish War (1877) and at the Hispano-American War
(1897). Citizen of the United States by naturalization at 1897 at Chicago, Ill....

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Alessandro di Cristofano di Lorenzo del Bronzino Allori, pintor barroco, manierista y naturalista italiano, de la escuela florentina, nace un 31 de mayo de 1535.

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Extracting beauty out the of struggle of life. Born out of poverty, self taught artist Albert Ashok (Indian b.1961) combines naturalism with cubist geometrical structure, he calls it Redefined Cubism.

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Golden Brugmansia – 20 x 30 cms, acrylic on canvas over board.
I wanted to do something more painterly and naturalistic, after so many drawings and detailed illustrations in the past weeks; nothing like doing a regular botanical study to refresh and recharge inspiration.

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->ezt leszámítva egész okés a film, egyáltalán nem annyira brutális és naturalista mint a Gamba, kifejezetten kisebbeknek csinálták ez érződött rajta, de a történet elég izgalmas volt ahhoz hogy kellően lekössön.

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George Floyd, Moïse Kagamb, Genivaldo Santos. Até quando a crueldade do racismo será naturalizada? 

Tira de , parte da nossa parceria com o Políticas, que divulga quadrinhos políticos feitos por mulheres e pessoas não-binárias.

Segue o 🧶

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— “Nostalgic Cars

Nostalgic Cars is a digital collage collection with a naturalistic surreal and vintage aesthetic.🚗🌠

Would make a great wallpaper 🤔🤘🏼

🔐 1/1 NFT Exclusively on

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Knut Hamsun, Norwegian novelist, dramatist, poet, and winner of the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1920. A leader of the Neoromantic revolt at the turn of the century, he rescued the novel from a tendency toward excessive naturalism. 📚

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Nettle drawn at Newmillerdam yesterday. The rolled leaf reminded me of the Naturalists’ Handbook, 'Insects on Nettles'. I ought to take a closer look . . .

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Charles Darwin was preceded in influence in Britain by his grandfather, naturalist Erasmus Darwin. Erasmus Darwin published noted works on botany & evolution. Darwin was also a poet, and his most popular work was 'The Botanic Garden.' Learn more:

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Oggi sarò a Milano, con Claudio Romo, per la presentazione del suo "Herbolaria Memorabile" - incrocio tra un erbario fantastico e un resoconto naturalistico ottocentesco proveniente da un'altra dimensione.

Ci vediamo alle 17.30 -Libraccio Milano Corsico Alzaia Naviglio Grande 26

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