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Soy la única que el momento mas intenso de su infancia fue cuando Mickey casi se ahoga en los tres mosqueteros?
(nada que ver con la historia- sImplemente quise dibujarlo asíxd)SITIENENDUDASDELPALOQUETIENEENLAMANODIGAMOSQUEESUNPLUMERO,DALE?Dal3
We’re shooting for the Moon on our 10th anniversary - meet therapy cats and naughty kittens, take photos with @furryphotos, get cat merch from White Feather and @purrballs, and see what’s in your future with cat themed tarot cards!
Come find us at 37 Mosque St on August 18th!
¿Cómo? ¿No te habías enterado? HOY @p8ladas presenta su libro con @Lunwergfoto #diremosquenosconocimosenunbar y vendrán todos a la fiesta 🍻#amor #humor #likes #tinder ♥️
Wazir Khan (Hakim Sheikh Ilam ud din Ansari) migrated from #Chiniot to #Lahore, rose as #Mughal ruler #ShahJahan's physician, founded city of #Warizabad, #Pakistan & Wazir Khan Mosque.
This painting c1898 by #EdwinLordWeeks in pvt colln "An Open air Restaurant near the Mosque"
In 1933 #AllamaIqbal visited the historic 8th century Mosque of #Cordoba ,#Spain .
He later wrote a Nazm "Masjid e Qurtuba" expressing his desire for a renaissance among Muslims by putting Islamic moral values into practice, and this is also the central theme of Iqbal’s poetry
🌙 Searching Laylat al-Qadr 🌙
The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) used to seclude himself (in the mosque) during the last ten nights of Ramadan. He would say, ❝Search for Laylat al-Qadr (Night of Decree) in the last ten nights of Ramadan.❞ [Al-Bukhari and Muslim]
Mi "quiniela" es que viendo esto, tendremos con casi total seguridad:
- McCree joven (seguramente de la época Deathlock o anterior)
- Ashe joven + BOB mayordomo (antes de ser forajidos)
- Baptiste de Talon
Y ese caso mosquea bastante, pudiendo ser alguno de nuestro robozes.
I am the Egg Man - @fraser_anning Censured by the Australian Senate - cartoon in today’s @nzherald Story: https://t.co/2ATeUWVtyS #ChristchurchMosqueAttack #OneNationIsNext #auspol #nzpol
Seeing true human compassion in a leader’s face has touched us all deeply. It’s something we haven’t seen recently in the US. We are all with New Zealand this week. #newzealand #mosque #attack #jacindaardern #muslim #headscarf #hijab #heartbreak #art #drawing #ink #sketch #color
It didn't take long before the left-leaning media tried to link @POTUS to the #NewZealand mosque shooter. How's racist #Virginia Governor #Northam doing? @RealJamesWoods @DonaldJTrumpJr @IngrahamAngle
Outpouring of grief is shown in the gift of love in the flowers we lay for those people who have been murderously killed Such beautiful lifes lost through extreme hatred Love & Unity can win #NewZealandMosqueAttack @KenPerry47 @Crill75 @guardian
Bergembiralah wahai penghuni Syurga,
Beruntunglah dikau dipilih Allah dengan cara kematian ini.
dan berbahagialah dikau di sisi nikmat-nikmatNya yang luar biasa.
Semoga kita semua adalah bakal pemilik Husnul Khatimah... Amin ya Rabb.
#prayfornewzealand #mosqueshooting
“Though we may come from different countries and speak in different tongues, our hearts beat as one.” -Albus Dumbledore.
This violence has no place in the world. We are whānau, we must remember that. #KiaKahaChristchurch #NewZealandStrong #ChristchurchMosqueAttack #TheyAreUs
#Christchurch #nouvellezelande #newzealand #terrorism #attack #religion #weapon #haine #crime #islam #islamophobie #musulman #fear #mosque #prayforchristchurch #prayfornewzealand
#PrayforMuslims #art #peace “La haine doit être vaincue par l'amour et la générosité.” Spinoza
Our thoughts and prayers are with the victims, their families and friends and to the people of New Zealand. 🙏 #TheyAreUs #Christchurch #ChristchurchMosqueAttack #UnitedWeStand