FUCK I forgot to change Jacopo's skin colour. That's more like it! https://t.co/5wXAeNML69

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Jacopo Antonio Marastoni, 1804 – 1860, Italian-born Hungarian portrait painter, Woman Seated before a Mirror

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Jacopo Antonio Marastoni, 1804 – 1860, Italian-born Hungarian portrait painter, Portrait of Ferenc Friedrich

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Ricordiamo la passione e la crocifissione di con il dipinto “Cristo morto adorato dai Dogi Pietro Lando e Marcantonio Trevisan” di e aiuti (1590). L’artista veneziano aveva una sensibilità particolare per il tema della morte di

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Study of the Nailing of Christ to the Cross, 1523

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Il 1627 Jacopo Palma il Giovane redige il suo testamento con il quale lascia al nipote Giacomo il suo materiale, al suo allievo cento ducati, due quadri e trenta disegni, a Domenico Tintoretto quattro disegni. https://t.co/iEGBMyKgvf

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Jacopo Bassano’s Adoration of the Kings (1542), Guercino’s The Virgin & Child (c1615) & Giovanni Battista Pittoni’s (1725) The Apotheosis of St Jerome with St Peter of Alcántara & a Franciscan. The historic-style hanging of works in the museum add to their dramatic qualities.

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L'angelo annuncia il martirio
a Santa Caterina d'Alessandria
Olio su tela

Collezione privata


29 43

Tre geni a confronto. Tre modi diversi e particolari per descrivere l’ultima cena. Leonardo, Dali’ e Jacopo Bassano. Diverse ma geniali.

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Jacopo Scassellati.

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happy birthday to a very complicated man! jacopo! (3/10) this is the only time ive ever drawn him smiling lol

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Allegory of the Treasures of the Sea (+detail) by Circle of Jacopo Zucchi, 16th c.

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