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Abby and Carol forever✨
On @sole24ore potrait of Federico Marchetti, ad Yoox (ad: @adrianoattus)
[ • ] Loki and Hela in Thor: Ragnarok.
#ThorRagnarok #Loki #Hela #CateBlanchett #TomHiddleston
[ • ] New Thor: Ragnarok poster.
#SDCC17 #Loki #Thor #ThorRagnarok #tomhiddleston #CateBlanchett #ChrisHemsworth
Thor: Ragnarok | Marvel revela novas artes promocionais do filme #CateBlanchett #Hela https://t.co/t078LzJ7IP
Sarah Taylor batting,Trisha Chetty keeping #sketch #ENGvSA semi-final #WWC17 @abdulhayemehta @Sofa_Katie @NorthStandGang @guerillacricket
Planchette, the best kitchen witch ever! A character from #unfamiliar a comic created by
StellaPochette 早喜
"Asgard is dead" Hela Cate Blanchett @thorofficial 11x17 showcase piece for SDCC
So showed up for my blood apointment not only hr erly but day erly 😳good 1 rachett 🙄👌🏻 #feelingstupid #gumpmoment #hospital #oops
@HaleyMewsome a w.i.p of pixel art in your style (attempt) she kinda looks like planchette
Lire le Tome 6 de Sentaï School et kiffer. Puis lire les remerciements et avoir sa petite larmichette...merci @flomoshi et @phil_cardona
After reading Good Omens by @neilhimself and Terry Pratchett, I got inspired to do some art! *^* I absolutely adore these two
Pochette du DVD & Blu-Ray de la 1 ème partie de la saison 2 de l'Attaque des titans qui sort le 21 juin 2017 au Japon