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some young from our new Jo Chen

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Featured Artist: . Born and raised in Taipei, Taiwan R.O.C., Yu-Ming is inspired by editorials, movies, and public issues. His style is influenced by Japanese Manga and cartoons: https://t.co/ud7heHjCzm

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...and how you feel and look an hour in to Monday!

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and how you feel and look first thing Monday morning ready to face not just the day but the week as well....

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...Draecember 2019...

I don't have a lot of time so here is a less detailed version of a Draenei/Eredar Demon Hunter I was working on.

I'm taking a vacation next week so I want to wish Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays to everyone!!

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This didn't quite work out the way I wanted it to, but it's passable, I guess 😐

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Habe mich an den Artstyle von einer meine Fav Künstler probiert..!♥
It is not perfect! but It's not bad either, i think.. óvo

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hope you day is going well all

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They stood posed and deep in their own thoughts as they awaited his arrival. They were sure of their own abilities and equally sure of their own plans so much so that there was perhaps an air of over confidence about them

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Friday and a with a side by side of everyone's ever loving Thing or as texas Twister would say - ah dreamt ah lost a fight with the Thang!

as stupid twitter still having issues tagging you in the pic :)

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you DARE oppose me growled Thanos at the pitiful humans before him. Even without the power of the Infinity Stones you weaklings are beneath my notice, now I am a God you are not even insects buzzing around me he snarled.

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