Este Digimon es "Agumon Expert", se dice que es un genio y tiene hasta un doctorado. Puesto que no sale en el doblaje castellano del anime (ni en cyber sleuth como Digimon jugable, solo es una chapita) nos hemos tomado la libertad de bautizarlo como "Agumon Erudito".

15 136

💜💣 this mod was absolutely beautiful!! there are so many talented creators in this community!! 💣💜

12 79

«La acción fantasmal de Mileva».
Segundo premio del VIII concurso científico-literario de la Escuela de Máster y Doctorado
Un relato de Pablo Díaz Sebastián que no te dejará indiferente.
Ilustra Laura Varela 😍

15 26

ven a la doctora yoon feliz y contenta pero ayer un paciente le apuñalo la pierna xdn't

0 3

Hope I got the right kimono here, how yall doin

7 30

Artwork that I commissioned to celebrate my graduation with my doctorate, of Il'setsya Wyrmtouched dressed in my school and program's colors and regalia. I think the mood is very appropriate! :D

Artwork by Nanihoo on Deviantart.

1 13

Posting for frequent use in the near future, I can sense it 👀 One of my favorite reaction images I've pulled from a page. (2016 series) issue art by Emilio Laiso, colors by Rachelle Rosenberg

2 10

Sus padres quieren que sea ella quiere ser

0 9

CALL FOR APPLICATIONS by AUG 9: LSA Collegiate Fellows & President’s Postdoctoral Fellowship Programs. Seeking EEB applicants whose research, teaching, service will contribute to and equal opportunity in higher education. PLS RT

28 20

K a r a

Ay doctora yo tambien tengo la peste.jpg :u

1 16

🔥🔥nueva pagina🔥🔥
aqui les traigo la siguiente parte con la bruja lumine, mientras que ella confunde con un guardian a "prototipo" las doctoras lo siguen buscando,

espero les guste y me ayuden compartiendo😎👌

0 7

We're hiring!

The RCA's Materials Science Research Centre (MSRC) in partnership with are seeking to recruit an enthusiastic Post-Doctoral Researcher, (CX) Digital Tools for for the

Apply >>>

3 3

Per my Galactic Standard Calendar, it looks like today once again brings cause for celebration — and it just might be the *only* day that I, will let something “sloppy” slide! 😜

Happy 😘💋


4 35

i dont think this guy has a doctorate
attack for

2 3


When a video game is finally made, you should be able to play this issue in its entirety as a horror-survival level

Can't wait to see and/or make up some RPG stats for that "exotic caviar" 😱🙊

5 38