Happy May your goggles continue to shield your pretty eyes from the consequences of your many SLOPPY actions!

(I have perfect vision in universe, but need contacts/glasses irl. No need/time to swap my plastic frames for gold wire-rims YET tho)

0 28


Wait... where are you going?! 😢💔

3 37

May the Fourth be with you, And everyone!

Though these are difficult days (to say the least), I hope you're able to find some respite, relief, and joy in today

But remember, I am watching — and judging! Don't get sloppy! https://t.co/rNUiD47KPv

4 50

Day 21: A fave story arc tie:

sees come into her own as a character, w insight into her emotional turmoil & the true launch of an epic romance w And by arc's end, Tolvan has risen from the ashes of prev failures, triumphant! https://t.co/DWJgOW1ojN

1 18

Happy Space

Although Chelli's ethical sloppiness continues to lead her astray, I hope she knows that I, still think hatefully/lovingly of her, even now 💘💔❤️‍🩹💖

May we someday get our Happily Ever After!

6 44

Which Star Wars character are you defending with your life?

Canonically? I did risk my life a number of times to defend AND save Chelli's, so: Yes, I attacked her a number of times too, but never mind that

Selfishly & IRL? Myself (OK and too!) https://t.co/XCdTHy4LGD

1 22

Per my Galactic Standard Calendar, it looks like today once again brings cause for celebration — and it just might be the *only* day that I, will let something “sloppy” slide! 😜

Happy 😘💋


4 35

On January 18th 2017, four years ago today, made her first appearance in in issue of

Then and now, is the character in a with whom I most identify. Here's to hoping that 2021 marks the first of many more appearances for "me"

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