! from are beautiful quality cards at sensible prices - buy online from https://t.co/1P62g0ZvNs

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Meet the Artisans of the 2018 Indian Wells Arts Festival's Gourmet MarketPlace: Lissa Malone, Pelham's Paperie. Lissa's come 6 in a set with 2 different color, hand-stitched envelopes to match the design.

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Today (January 23) is the 20th anniversary of "The Last Lord Of Eldorado". The drawing I have used to illustrate the anniversary is a modified close-up from a I made in 2016.

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I hope everyone has a good start of 2018! Here is one of a total of eight illustrations I did for the unofficial French Disney site https://t.co/zOmR8yDl4T in 2017.

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paperisia pelinappuloita D&D peli sessioita varten 8D nyt vielä pitäs tulostaa, leikellä ja taitella!

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I discendenti di e vi aspettano in edicola!
3236 è uscito!

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Love ? Join Flamingo Paperie in , and . Join in Nov. only £15 Ask me how. www.facebook.come/fiduncpt

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Era l'8 giugno del 1969 quando nacque il diabolico vendicatore! 🎂

A lui i nostri migliori auguri!

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Will get us back to those colourful times we had in the . Homemade clothes and wallpapering anyone

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A volte può bastare essere un piccolo, fragile papero.

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FedeFranzBlog e Topolino Con "PAPERINO E IL TEMIBILE V", testi di Roberto Moscato e disegni miei! Evvai!

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We did a bit of an update on the page. Check it out! https://t.co/cmqsgQK77J

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Alcune cose son più chiare viste con gli occhi dei ragazzi.

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