Proteus the blue dragonborn warlock and his old beaten-up wooden cart.

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Was feeling a bit pukey this morning, so didn't go for my morning walk - worked on my RPG campaign instead :)


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Another artwork for the “Fragments – Pulverdampf” RPG! If you like (german) tabletop roleplaying games, go check it out!

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Tonights d10,000 roll for creature: muscular horned hawk

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I got the cool chance to do some Illustrations for an upcoming called “Fragments - Pulverdampf”! I’m so excited to post the first one. The crowdfunding campaign will start tomorrow, here: , go check it out!

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An apprentice wizard for a Warhammer Fantasy RPG mini campaign. The name's Oriane Aldrey. Was excited to play her, but in the end, I don't have the time to play. 😰😰😰😭😭😭

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