In the Sicilian folktale "Saint Oniria," two lost hunters take refuge in a cottage in the woods, where they find the heart of a dead saint. They take it with them to an inn. The innkeeper's daughter steals it, eats it, & gives birth to a reborn Saint Oniria.

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The Bogatyr Volga Transforms himself into a Pike

Russian Fairy Tale, The Volga
▫️Ivan Bilibin, (1876-1942)

An illustrator and designer, Bilibin drew inspiration from early Russian architecture, ancient Egyptian art and Japanese prints.

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Alkanost is a mythological creature on Slavic folklore with the head, chest of a beautiful woman and body of a bird. Beautiful but dangerous, she would sing mesmerizing songs and men would forget everything on earth and follow her til they died. 🦉

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Winged, mythical creatures have always fascinated. The Greeks gave us Pegasus, whom I’ve always loved. Born of Poseidon & tamed by Athena, he inspired the Muses, aided victories, & spurred the imagination. Such a beautiful creature ⚡️#WyrdWednesday

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The curse of the albatross:

"Water, water, every where,
And all the boards did shrink;
Water, water, every where,
Nor any drop to drink."

-Samuel Taylor Coleridge and Bruce Dickinson
🖼️Gustave Doré and ?

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Every 100 years in Spanish Mtns a kite lays a red egg in a gorse bush. It hatches into a B&W bird that lives for 50 years. A green worm emerges from its corpse & grows into a Gallo de la Muerte/Rooster of Death. If you hear it crow you're doomed to die the next day

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The song of the Adar Rhiannon, the three birds whose song can wake the dead from their eternal slumber and lull the living into passive sleep despite terror. This was the case for the giant Ysbaddaden, who feared his own prophecized death.

🖼: J.S. Weils

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Some for
1. 'Japanese Tit on Camellia Branch' - Utagawa Hiroshige.
2. 'Bird on Cherry Branch' - Utagawa Hiroshige.
3. 'Blue Bird and Pink Flowers' - Nakayama Sugakudo, 1859
4. 'Java Sparrow on Magnolia' - Katsushika Hokusai, 1834.

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Originally European dragons were often envisioned just as giant snakes. However, illuminated manuscripts often curiously depicted snakes with legs, ears, and even wings (despite many monks seeing snakes in real life). This shaped the more modern view of dragons.

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The magical owned by Drudwas ap Tryffin would obey only him. Ironically Drudwas was killed by the creatures after ordering them to kill the first man to arrive at a battle - his opponent was delayed & Drudwas arrived first!

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Ireland was once called "the swan-abounding land". Kill a swan and you soon die...

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The Amazing Spider-Man (1963), had the first appearance of the Vulture. His return was advertised in the final panel of issue

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In Turkish mythology, Tulpar is a flying horse. Unlike Pegasus, Tulpar is more warrior. He has beeb created by Kutay to help the courageous warriors in battlefield.

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In folklore & legend crows & ravens are often regarded as harbingers of doom, but they can also be the means of divination & prophecy bearing messages from the gods. The Celtic goddess Morrigan often appears in the form of these ambiguous birds.
🎨Jessica Galbreth

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Wynderful things that fly for
Renwick 1733, a Cockatrice took up residence in the ruined church.
A local man, John Tallantine killed the creature using rowan tree branch, although some believe it can still be seen flying around the church at night.

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In both China and Japan the goose is linked with the moon. It was common for the family of a bride to give a goose as a gift to the groom.

Art: 'White-fronted Goose - Ohara Koson.

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In his novel, Finnegans Wake, James Joyce never ends the book. Instead, he uses the last line from the beginning line of the first chapter broken in the middle to create a never-ending narrative loop. (insert strong opinion about Finnegans Wake here)

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In William Gilbert’s ‘The Last Lords of Gardonal’, Conrad meets his end at the hands of his vampire-wife, whom he married without realising she was undead. He cannot drink from a goblet of blood to join her, so he is found as ‘a corpse on the floor’ in the morning.

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Adolf Frederick, king of Sweden died after consuming a meal of lobster, sauerkraut, smoked herring, caviar & champagne, topped off with 14 servings of his favourite dessert: semla served in hot milk. A weak ruler, his only apparent talent was to make snuffboxes.

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Sad ending! Sadhbh, Fionn mac Cumhaill's wife turned into doe for refusing druid's love! Told if she set foot in the fort of the Fianna he wouldn't have any power over her! Lived happily as human until Fionn away! Turned back to a doe, Fionn never found her again!

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