Essential Dr. Strange Vol 1 by Stan Lee, Steve Ditko, George Bell, Roy Thomas, Denny O’Neil, Bill Everett, Marie Severin, Herb Trimpe, Ramon’s Marias, Dan Adkins, and Jim Lawrence

My review here:

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DEATH BATTLE! Mr. Ditkovich VS Michelangelo

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I have a self-published comic called COCK KNIGHT, my take on Steve Ditko era Spider-man meets Shazam meets Kamen Rider. 2 issues out thus far!!!

you can read them at the link below or DM me for digest sized copies! :)

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In our season 6 opening episode, and I discuss the Ditko-esque opening splash pages developed by Ron Frenz in the 80s. Here’s one batch of my favorites

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Doing a WIP re-interpretation of OG

Ditko Peter was kind of an asshole so I wanted him to look like one.

His first costume is poor-fitting, lenses are too small, web shooters are exposed, underarm webs keep tearing, etc.

But I bet it looks menacing in the dark.

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But the further you drift from the "big leagues" the less settled costumes become, especially if they weren't Kirby/Ditko etc creations.

So a favourite character of mine is Phyla Vel, and honestly her costumes vary-wildly-.

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this is 1966 so keep in mind the protests peter hates are either stuff like the vietnam war or civil rights cause that was the shit going on at the time ditko hated bc he was an objectivist. therefore peter is an objectivist asshole

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El Steve Ditko más duro😱

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Kirby did most of the collage work in Fantastic Four and Thor, Doctor Strange was primarily Steve Ditko's character and title.

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Is that a Steve Ditko-esque Spider-Man I see?! Very nice

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Frank Miller after Steve Ditko!

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The Comic Reader (Jan 1980), with front and back cover art by Steve Ditko.

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002 - Y1 Creator: Steve Ditko

Stan & Jack will get their due, but when else will we be able to celebrate Steve Ditko drawing the first ever X-Men guest appearance in Tales of Suspense in which radiation somehow turns Angel evil briefly?

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Its been quite a while since I’ve done of these - redrew a vintage comic panel as chibi! 😃 TASM 4 “Nothing Can Stop…the Sandman!” ~

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My man put Frank Miller and Rob Liefeld over Marco Checchetto and Steve Ditko 💀. Also, why the hell are Stan Lee and Bill Finger on this list? This is supposed to be a list of artist, and my man put writers on their as well.

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This is incredible. Mid-Journey AI art. "Steve Ditko comic". I mean, part of me wants to smack the machine and say, 'you fool, this is Alex Toth!' But part of me mourns the end our species' supremacy as apex predator, art-wise.

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