Who are the WhatDo squad? This is the first post in a series which will introduce the team. This is Lisha Rooney, Founder and CEO. She is an artist, writer, and mother to sons Enlai and Lumen.

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Am so tempted to give Mr red hair! TY SO much 4enabling me to see my VERY FIRST theatreplay via YT, age 42. Wish I could donate, so much. That much work behind, arts..


3 11

Love is love! Parisa the bunny is a renowned summoner with autism. Leonois the lioness is her devoted love and will fiercely defend her! Coming soon!

6 28

Im bit off the road anxietywise atm, so this + a cartoon next will be all today, sorry:

Intuos S

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inspired by The world shown there was sad, I imagine a better world. Balance between capitalism & socialism, for real.

(just wish 2show you, sorry)

3 17

This comes from BBC RobinHood a bit = team of Nonius pulling wagons, 1 had ERU = making the eyeball milkywhite 4periods of time, clouding. It looks like an ghost-eye then. Wish NO🐴2have it but interesting 4arts.

1 4

Good Morning.. Anybody knows that?
Intuos S

My bathroom is too tiny 4any place to stack with towels = must remember bringing 1along. Before.. 🚿 If I ever had a home a nice kitchen & bath r must

4 10

We must encourage whistleblowers, inst of silencing them when they arent famous/middleclass. In Police & Army whistleblowing is hard enough even 4those..

3 7

O, the new Twitter Tweet-saving-Tool is already there! Cool. Looks bit like a Car battery to me, though. The icon. With a clock. Mac Gyver..

2 9

working hard on painting of Sir ChristopherLee today. Mr RichardArmitage seems to be busy (or that is I hope what it is, I also worry, yes), so I can focus on this 4now. IntuosS

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Pushed this off 4days, yes, the old shame. When men show nudearts PPL accept it. If women do so.. It will never be easy 4me, yet getting over doubts/fear is the way. TY 4patience

4 15

TY, better=worked! All emotions = energy. If I had a home (I wouldnt be here) I'd go outside, with the dog & run or such. Since I cant I turn the energy into something useful. That choice 1has, at least in western world:

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I'd wish I could illustrate childrensbooks. Think Im ready. Some creation of mine IntuosS

Autism makes 1bit 2selffocussed during younger age, even unintentionally (and changing once noticing)

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