Boruto e Ichika não escondem o crushzinho ahahaha

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Me: I wonder why I turned out the way I did

The One Piece-episodes I watched in my formative years: 'legal' is not the same as morally right, and society is built to uphold the powerful and condemn the weak. To rebel against that system is your moral duty.

9 66

Brian Azarello’s run is probably my favorite Wonder Woman run, for many reasons, but one of the big ones is that it not only made this canon, but addressed and condemned it. When Diana discovers the secret, she’s horrified, denounces the Amazons, and turns her back on them.

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Eid Mubarak I cant wait for the artical chains condemning Eid Slaughter by the same people who buy McDonalds Electrocuted Chicks nuggets and Chick'Filla 😀

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Win a digital ARC of VIAL OF TEARS! Disturbing the cursed burial coin of a forgotten coin condemns two sisters to a life in the Phoenician underworld. Nothing is what it seems. No one is who they say. Get your copy with today’s

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Here am I, condemned by to only repeat the words of others. I cannot warn my love as he wastes away, mesmerised by his reflection & mute. It may be fault, such a jealous Goddess but what did I, do to to deserve such a pitiful story.

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Boris Johnson & many others dismissed taking the knee as "gesture politics", failed to condemn "fans" booing the team, & consistently downplay clear evidence of structural & institutional yet the Head of MI5 says racism in England is "toxic" & "widespread". 🤔

86 189

You deserve a better class of enemies than this scumsock. Let him be, he's obviously a condemned soul.

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Don't break the chain-- condemn some artists to show their drawings:
UHHH some drawings havent posted that im proud of

if yall wanna post some art <3

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Desde decenas de asociaciones LGTBIAQ+ hemos convocado movilizaciones en todo el estado.

Estamos hartes,salimos a exigir justicia contra la violencia LGTBIfóbica y contra la violencia policial

Domingo 11/07 en Sol📍a las 20h

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Domingo 11 de julio a las 20h volvemos a la Puerta del Sol para seguir reclamando y por todas las violencias que las transmaribibolleras sufrimos cada segundo de nuestras vidas

Fuego, pluma y purpurina!

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1415 Jan Hus, Bohemian theologian, reformer and inspiration of the Hussite movement, was executed in Konstanz after his trial ended with a condemnation for heresy. In 1419 the Hussite wars would commence.

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Don't break the chain-- condemn some artists to show their drawings:

I swear I draw more than 3 different fandoms (I don't).

1 7

Don't break the chain-- condemn some artists to show their drawings:
we doing this again y'all

1 8

Don't break the chain-- condemn some artists to show their drawings: Ty just gotta do me like that 👁👄👁

, show your art bitch >:)))

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Don't break the chain-- condemn some artists to show their drawings : Still figuring out my style, but sure, I'll toss my hat in the ring!

& in turn, I shall now tag some mutuals & pressure them to do the same!

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Don't break the chain-- condemn some artists to show their drawings: I dont have a lot of recent stuff but here ya go

Imma tag:

Damn idk who else to tag lol

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