My first thing I've finished using Krita, looks a lot cleaner than my previous digital drawings but it took forever lol. Done for u/SycKoooon

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Saw this draw this in your style by on Instagram and knew immediately that I had to do it. It was more difficult than I anticipated since it took me 2 attempts with the pose and I still had to adjust it when I put the sketch into Krita, but I like the final result.

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Opa fiz o teu fursona 😔 (foi meu primeiro desenho no krita, talvez eu faça algo mais elaborado no clip studio depois)

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He probado el Krita, y no está mal

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Vo pegar essa minha Elesis q nunca terminei no Krita, e terminar no Clip
Acho q não ta tão ruim

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I downloaded a set of "Bob Ross brushes" for Krita, and however many hours later I popped this out!

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yo le sabia al krita, ahora me siento desepcionado de mi mismo por olvidar el como se usa u_u

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just to test krita, i'll study a bit more about how to paint properly on this program D: it changed so much since the last time i used it, i'm so lost

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Artwork for a game project! 😁 Painted in with the composition and base made in 😊

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I had made this drawing while messing around on krita, I don't like where it was going but the concept seemed solid enough, so I am going to have another go of it.

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Продолжаю практиковать рисование в Krita, дико понравилась кисть-карандаш для скетчей
Так что, вышел вот такой Ризотто😳

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So, while testing krita, I made some line art for fan art.
Even after being done with krita though, I still wanted to finish it, so I just finished it now.
Thank you so much for teaching me with your tutorials, Zil! Couldn't have gotten this far without you. :)

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Olá humanos, eu sou a Lari, sou uma artista bi, tenho 17 anos e desenho há 5 anos porém digitalmente há apenas dois anos, uso uma wacom intuos draw e meu programa que uso é o Krita, me inspiro em mangás, gosto de desenhar tudo e faço comissions por orçamento 😎😇

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Death by Glamour
Krita, artwork © 2020 Stella B.

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Playing with painting in Krita, practicing with color and stuff. Didn't turn out quite how I would like, I could easily spend several more hours fixing this up and making it nice, but it was just a warmup before commissions. I learned a hell of a lot though!

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Another fanart of Trucy Wright. This is my last drawing using Krita, i started using Medibang and it's so much better, way smoother. Oh and Happy New Year!!

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Krita, artwork © 2018 Stella B.

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Hello! I'm learning how to use a laptop again!
Here's the result of 3 hours of trying to use krita, giving up and using firealpaca.
I... already miss my tablet, the wacom confuses me.
Here's not serious art,
idk what it is... I'm keeping him.

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Greetings, I'm ShinyPanda, or Archerpanda!
I pretty much only draw girls! :D
I suck at the whole commission thing, so I don't really do them very often.
My main platforms are SAI, Krita, and MS Paint!

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