Another double page spread for and this time it's our iconic heroes stepping off a barge and into the city.
Thank you to everyone who's liked, shared and followed recently, I really appreciate it :)

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Here's a that I drew/painted for the 4th edition core book Based on a John Blanche design.

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I'm clear to start showing the pieces I created for 4th ed Maybe it'd be interesting to show a few of them with sketch and final side-by-side? Let's start with some shrines:

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Warhammer Fest Round up - all the news that’s fit to print!:

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WFRP 4thのニュースも出ました。

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WFRP 第一版(一枚目)とWFRP第四版(二枚目)の基本ルールブックの表紙を並べてみました。よく似てますねー。ただし、四版では戦う相手がスケイヴンになってますがっ。

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With the release of cover images for 4E from let's have a look at how Warhammer Fantasy Role Play was originally slated to have looked, with art by the inimitable John Blanche.

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Awesome news out of today as they revealed the covers for 4th Edition and released that it's out in Mid-2018!

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