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squall from ffviii took me weeks to recover from after he graced my eyeballs

1 0

Continuing the FFVII Minor Arcana thread, here are the Threes. Cups, Pentacles, Swords, Wands.

105 479

Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII first released in North America on this day in 2008. A prequel to FFVII told through the eyes of Zack Fair that remains stranded on the PSP.

973 3382

📢 ¡#FinalFantasyVIIRemake: Material Ultimania ya disponible en Amazon España, kupó!

¡Muy recomendable para ahorrarnos esos dichosos gastos de envío de SE Store!

📆7 de diciembre de 2021
🇬🇧 Inglés
📖 336 páginas
💶 34,99€
🔗 https://t.co/m4pkFUafJt

18 64

Someone on the Sephiroth Smashcord gave me the idea to make a capitalist Steve Jobs-esque sephiroth and now I dont know how to feel

0 14

Continuing the FFVII Minor Arcana thread, here are the Twos. Cups, Pentacles, Swords, Wands.

159 592

Ilustración de Rinoa terminada, me encanta cómo ha quedado, es de mis personajes favoritos de la saga.

61 91

Making a thread for the FFVII Minor Arcana so all the cards are viewable in the same place. I'll update every day or two. FAQs on release here: https://t.co/7fnBtKf64u
Here are the Aces. Cups, Pentacles, Swords, Wands.

440 1444

Ohai! I hope you all had a lovely weekend 🥰
It’s time for more FFVIII!

1 29

Otro dibujo de vuestros personajes si le dais muchos likes, rts o simplemente contestándome a este hilo para practicar. Os dejo 4 dibujos, uno de ellos en desarrollo (el de cloud del FFVII) y un abrazo a todos.😁

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