Lehran doodle I did for <3
Not enough Lehran or Sephiran content in the world!
He's a very sad pretty bird man

10 31

I did the fire emblem ship chart meme thing!

I tried to make it all fire emblem (although I wanted to put kiamei there so badly anyways lol)

Wow! almost all tellius, who'd have guessed!

Sephiran and his wife and his husband 👏
And Ike and Reyson I love together soooo so much

8 127

I have been meaning to draw sephiran in this shirt for over half a year

7 29

Today's Fire Emblem character of the day is Sephiran from Path of Radiance and Radiant Dawn!

46 205

Sephiran illust for the expansion✨

221 494

I'm gonna use this art-train🚂 to ask: am I getting better in drawing my man Sephiran?
Thank you for tagging me bestie 🥰💕
Go off 💅🏻 https://t.co/OVsJDbksKR

12 33

Tellius spoilers!!!!

This is basically fire emblem radiant dawn lol

Really Yune, the man's begging
Ty sephiran bot for making me remember and have to make this meme lol https://t.co/Xtlb3ykRHz

24 89

Holy Trio Matching
(Sephiran's pattern is slightly different in his non-chibi art but I think it's because artist's artistic choice to make it look better on him)

15 32

"Sephiran sent him out to buy some Xmas decorations and then accidentally locked the door so when zelgius came back he stood in the snow for an hour til somebody finally let him in" lookin ass (affectionate)

0 5

puffer as sothis, grizzy as chrom, kryoz as marth/elice, and blarg as sephiran :)

0 9

Sephiran's OG design his golden collar thingy has something looks like a sword (probably Alondite?) In Cipher however his golden collar thingy looks like wings. Both look cool af & symbolic to his character so idk which one I like more

14 67

A comic about Sephiran and old memories

152 437

had the urge to draw some feh moots today ft as sephiran and as cecilia :)

7 30

Sanaki with Sephiran

78 190

Here's my entry for 's Season For Two zine! The theme for the zine was making up new Fire Emblem Heroes duo units, so here is old art of a Performing Arts Zelgius and Sephiran! One is more excited than the other.

8 18


looking at my old sketches I noticed the face I drew sephiran with looked very familiar ;)

13 49

hello non binary community I hope you’re all ready for vampire sephiran .

13 37