Ох, целое лукошко пиздюлей! Для меня?

0 3

Я наконец решила что-то нарисовать про Беларусь
Вы все такие разные и все такие молодцы
Все получится!!!

7 55

🤝 ◻️❤️◻️ 🤝
Thread looking back on the wonderful submissions from Hong Kongers (and friends) to in the Illustrated Human Chain event 20-26 September 2020
🤝 ◻️❤️◻️ 🤝

Submission by , a prolific Hong Kong protest artist

67 99

Please, don't forget about the situation in Belarus ! Free Belarus !


More infos here : https://t.co/R6vJHube4F

3 7

Жыве Беларусь
Im not sure if I wrote it right 🥺👉👈
Long live Belarus
My neighbor country dealing with protests

3 31

20.9.2020 is International day of supporting Belarus against dictatorship. Belarusian calls for international assistance from 20-26.9 by posting different photos as kind of support!

51 83

白羅斯人宣佈啱啱過咗嘅星期日(9月20)為白羅斯國際聲援日,鼓勵各地人由 9月20-26 日都發聲支持白羅斯,幫佢哋集集氣。

108 149

because of everything that is happening around, I think this is the thought that comes to each of us at least once a day

0 0

вот так-то. очень вдохновился, не выдержал и нарисовал.

18 697