My Vanishing Dictator animated illustration has been nominated for Klub Twórców Reklamy KTR Awards.

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Vanishing Dictator - a multi layered illo created to help raise funds for the persecuted Belarusan journalists and the families of the members of the opposition arrested by Lukashenko’s regime. You can see the website here:

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Please, don't forget about the situation in Belarus ! Free Belarus !


More infos here :

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白羅斯人宣佈啱啱過咗嘅星期日(9月20)為白羅斯國際聲援日,鼓勵各地人由 9月20-26 日都發聲支持白羅斯,幫佢哋集集氣。

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Ребята, то, что вы делаете для своей страны-невероятно меня восхищает.
Просто знайте, вы не можете не вдохновлять 🤍❤🤍

5 30

Nulla di strano che possa intenerirsi la mia indole:
io cacciatore di leoni, a me dà la caccia una gazzella!

Ibn Ḥamdīs

🎨 Leonid Afremov

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Нет слов, остались одни эмоции.

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I hope everything will end peacefully and the bloodshed like this won't happen ever again.

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