Bowen poured another glass of bourbon, put the pill on his tongue, and looked across the room at Morgan. The robot stood in her charging station, lights blinking under her translucent skin.

He lifted his glass to her.


3 24

His lips brushed her jaw as she reached back with her right hand and laced her fingers into his hair. With her left, she moved his hand to where she wanted him to touch her.

Billie crooned from the stereo. “Mama may have, papa may have . . .”

0 8

“I’m risking everything to show this to you,” said the woman. “My job, maybe my freedom.” Beads of sweat glistened on her skin even though it wasn’t hot. “Maybe my life. Now shut up and follow me.”

4 18

It had been nearly nine months since a drunk driver blasted through a red light and hit her car broadside, killing her instantly. People kept telling him that with time, his pain would ease, but if anything, it had only intensified.

37 34

It's Don't forget you can drop a line and on the tweet today. Show us what you got!

2 11

'Once upon a time there was a king who sat on a wooden throne and whispered to the birds that came to crowd and circle round his head...'

- The Forest King

Art: Kinko-White

1 7

“So, I guess this is good-bye.” His beard covered his clenched jaw, but his bulging temples showed the strain. Hands that caressed her face moment ago now hung fisted at his sides.
from Book Nirvana Book 3.

2 11

No COUNTRY for old men. COUNTRY mouse. Man without a COUNTRY. COUNTRY music. Cross COUNTRY. COUNTRY house. Back COUNTRY. Spend some time with us on Wednesday 8/21 by sharing a line from your using our THEME of **COUNTRY**. Pls RT.

54 62

is that you? What lines do we have to share this week?

5 21

Silence isn't always a cage. Sometimes, it's being free to adore the moon and dream of swinging on it while staring out into a sea of stars as if you were whisked away to your own island. The trick is muting your reality.

40 145

This counts, right?
(From Flatline, a comic from and me)

0 2

is here! Share what's catching your eye this week.

4 11

Patron SAINT? Patience of a SAINT? Or tries the patience of a SAINT? As good as a SAINT? Is there a SAINTLY presence--or place--in your Come play on Wednesday 4/17/19 when the THEME is **SAINT**. Pls RT

72 81

"The pretender has come too late and her blade is wet with the wrong shade of crimson. And trapped in this game, spurned by fate, are the hunters and their prey."

Art by !

0 2

From her eyrie Nyrinore watched the rising sun, breathing in the tranquility before the day began. This was the hour she forgot to hate, watching the world unfold its myriad of colours & savage beauty. Unfurling her magnificent silver wings, she flew & her heart soared

18 124

Fear anchored him to the seat... She could look at him with indifference. Not because she didn’t remember him, but because she had, and didn’t want him back in her life.

8 6

it's an invite not a letter but...
"Hades isn't going to be there he already RSVP'd. I can get you an invite if you want all the details, but I know for a fact Cleo really wants to meet you. As long as you aren't up to anymore plots to kill anyone."

1 3