'Nai and the fox'✨🌱
Another sneak peek of my project! This time with the two main protagonists

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oh, guys, supernoob question. I'm just working with layers, so... why curve editor can't sort current layer without this tonnes ok other keys? And yep, any variations of this useless "sort" buttons from the bottom of editor window don't give any results

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来说说做这个我学到了什么:玛雅拓扑 uv坐标建立与展开 通过多边形绘制创建贴图并在ps精修 通过ps转化灰度图 首次通过Alpha篆刻 3Dmax晶格的调整与使用 通过3Dmax样条曲线使用

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오 알리타~~ 오랜만에 3D로 보는 영화가 나왔다!!(용산 3Dmax 예약ing)

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젤다의 전설 코가님 모델링
완성 2018-05-13
3dmax 2016
zbrush 4r8
마모셋 3.03

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Este es el resultado final, de las pruebas, con el modificador Hair and Fur. simulando las pestañas y ceja.

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Sigo avanzando con la pagina web.

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Regarding the texturing of the characters, here are the UV's and the final result!

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