画質 高画質

9位(RT84/Fav249):https://t.co/SvBOxV5zVt (comicand_com)
10位(RT62/Fav244):https://t.co/h31qvIrxBe (zarusyu)
11位(RT76/Fav229):https://t.co/gkMrb0sxce (neko_hige299)
12位(RT84/Fav212):https://t.co/1ZKCRA4Tqj (nira597)

0 0



0 10

9位(RT19/Fav44):https://t.co/nPbuWfkpXM (raymie0124)
10位(RT14/Fav46):https://t.co/QgPa63oV51 (mikankei3)
11位(RT20/Fav38):https://t.co/xFMUsYdnTJ (__west)
12位(RT17/Fav38):https://t.co/FxR0NX0aXG (yukisan_admiral)

0 0

あんずさん(@ Anz6644)主催の「蠍座月星座×十二花神」誰デザに参加させていただきました!

8 6

The Shady Mushroom sold for 0.20 ($3.44) on Joepegs.

Community Chat: https://t.co/2UVIowzkzm
Marketplace: https://t.co/Os2h8yfOkX
Transaction: https://t.co/KgPRZM72Us

0 1

あんずさん(@ Anz6644)主催の中華系蠍座月星座誰デザ参加させていただきました!!!!可愛い子いっぱいできゃっきゃしました

9 10

Marie Jellets
(Irish, 1897-1944)
Geraldine Fritzgerald, 1920

12 23

DeGod (Rank
Just sold for 101.053789176 S◎L | 1.15 ETH | $2068.57


0 15

and death.The angels that attended my cradle and since then have followed me throughout my life.From my rotting body,flowers shall GROW and I am IN THEM and that is ETERNITY. 🎨🖌️💐🫶

1 1

9位(RT16/Fav52):https://t.co/pplmrUUk8b (AR6E3f6Ti701NBl)
10位(RT13/Fav44):https://t.co/fuB7COluIo (mikankei3)
11位(RT17/Fav32):https://t.co/kvyjZsSVxz (kankoreoeaki1)
12位(RT15/Fav30):https://t.co/Fa5quMH1xL (nemurakka)

0 0

0x635a8 sold 59 World of Women for Ξ77.380 ($139,696.44)

0 4

🚨 Just in:

Wallet 0x6D5Bf sold 204 for Ξ177.560 ($320,973.44) 👀

8 62

0x6D5Bf sold 204 Sappy Seals for Ξ177.560 ($320,973.44)

1 15

0x63e06 sold 5 Azuki for Ξ67.650 ($123,176.44)

0 4

5位(RT58/Fav209):https://t.co/tdRhC51mi0 (yukikaze2828)
6位(RT52/Fav144):https://t.co/5cwmMt4IXL (MironA33)
7位(RT35/Fav107):https://t.co/m4rTx5fhul (comicand_com)
8位(RT41/Fav92):https://t.co/VdRjMZwNBq (tactical_tada)

0 0

Edvard Munch (12 de diciembre de 1863 - 23 de enero de 1944)
Pintor y grabador noruego. Sus evocativas obras sobre la angustia influyeron profundamente en el expresionismo alemán de comienzos del siglo xx.

0 1

Bad Kitty, 2019
© Richard Bosman (American, b. 1944)

6 27

He painted emotion, his inner life & tended to a more abstract vision. In his art he could be himself. He was inspired by jazz & spirit. Friends included Georgia O’Keeffe & Henry Miller. O’Keefe would draw Delaney in 1943 (pic), The Picnic (1940) & Self-Portrait (1944)

1 9

These are three of my Ocs!
Vita (art by @/fizzygummyworm and @/saggingarts)
Gabriel (art by @/doodles_destiny and @/Lindquist4444)

Will add the last one in the comments! https://t.co/SFwMmOMY8c

3 13