Incredible Y9 responses to Miss Pennington's video tutorial inspired by Totally charmed by these wonderful Watch the tutorial here

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First tutorial I’ve ever made! This one is for how I color gold! There’s three parts, bracelets/poles, ribbons, and spheres. If you have questions feel free to comment them below and I’ll answer best I can!

Please don’t edit or repost!

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print, on Enjoy & tips. BECOME A BY JULY 9TH 2020 and RECEIVE A (only 10 available). PATREON TIERS START AT ONLY $3. Join today!

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Some anatomy notes about fat bodies that I hope will be helpful 💕

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How to Draw a Koala Bear-Fun & Easy Tutorial and Challenge. The tutorial can be found at my Life Imitates Doodles blog.

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Don’t compare your art with others.. they just have more practice. You WILL get there. Just KEEP DRAWING!

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Check out for fantastic video lessons. I have learnt so much from this skilled artist! Here is a crop from one of my book cover artworks.

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a small reminder that you can get 2 months of FREE SKILLSHARE with this code and learn how to use lightening and other things in your work (better than I do it lol)

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Then adding occlusion shadows, highlights💫 and a background. If you learned something while watching the video feel free to share!

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A recopilation of my abouts lights. I want to keep these line of tutorials, it's good for practice. Now I'm not sure with which part continue. Legs? Clothes? Any idea? 🤔 Also hope they're useful for you 🙂

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