The paramedic Chris children's book series are available on audiobook from for free if you have an audible account or sign up to a 30 day trial.

Links can be found on my homepage for the audiobooks:

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Did you know?
The paramedic Chris children's book series are available on audiobook for FREE from if you have an audible account for sign up for a 30 day trial.
Links to the audiobooks can be found on my homepage:

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Did you know?
The paramedic Chris children's book series are available on audiobook for FREE from if you have an audible account for sign up for a 30 day trial.
Links to the audiobooks can be found on my homepage:

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'In the vein of Roald Dahl's best-loved adventures, " offers a mystical, character driven escapade that intertwines strands of reality with a larger-than-life fantasy world.'

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Right on ⏳⏲️⌚️
It's here!🍾🤸🎆
Teen witch Hailey's at it again!💄💋🩸🧹
U never realize how much ur bad attitude can impact ur life...
...until it manifests as a flesh-&-blood monster

130 64

Great to be a part of this study. Audiobooks are always being played at home but I never thought about the impact they could make at school.

Here's the link:

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' entertaining story kids will sink their teeth into!'

'Bellyache: A Delicious Tale' by ".

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2 0

' entertaining story kids will sink their teeth into!'

'Bellyache: A Delicious Tale' by ".

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ASMSG RRBC books ebooks Kindle audiobooks

1 1