1° Lugh
Lugh was a Celtic deity, called Lugh "son of the Sun" or "the bright one".

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One of the most figures in is he is shrouded in mystery because his origins go so far back that they have been forgotten The of and wild places called the Horned One, a mediator of and

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The is one of the most mysterious figures in Morrigan means 'phantom queen' and describes a of and She was often split into three sisters and Often associated with

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In is an of the and She is a associated with the She's sometimes known as the Lady of the Lake, people also believed she was an aspect of The

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4. In was of skill and of talent. He is associated with midsummer because of his role as a god, and during the summer solstice the crops are flourishing, waiting to be plucked from the ground at

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Tread on after sunset & that night you will be swept up by a magical white horse and raced across the skies until dawn - when you will be deposited back in bed exhausted after a sleepless night (or maybe after a bad dream!)

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Sruth na Maoilé

Inspired by ’s heartbreakingly beautiful retelling of The Children of Lir.

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“Eminently Severe" final [+variant], for a competition – is that black stuff spurting out of his head...? It is. Don't ask me why. It's like, just one of the things he does when he wigs out. ☘️🗡💀

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“Eminently Severe" process, for a competition – a character loosely based on legendary Irish hero Cú Chulainn. ☘️🗡💀

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Just a sketch of my kelpie Sundance!

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The from are sea creatures in the shape of a gorgeous Children would sea the Kelpie and try and ride it, they would get stuck and the sea horse would run into the water and drown them. 4/5

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This week's colour: Cobalt Green Turquoise.

No new piece from me today, but please enjoy this blast from the past in the form of the mysterious Kelpie 🐎🌊

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I really liked those sketches, so I colored them.
The phouka is primarily a creature of Celtic Folklore. Considered to be bringers both of good and bad fortune.

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The Kelpie is a supernatural “Water Horse” in This demonic is associated with water and hijacks humans putting them on its back and then drowning its victims. In Skellig, the the Irish version of the headless horseman, rides a

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Ya tengo preparadas las prints que me llevaré a de esta jovencita inspirada en
No os perdáis los directos que ando preparando ya cositas para el

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